Industrial Archaeology Image Archive








Industrial Archeology Sites

  • Transportation (railroad)
    Newcastle High Level Bridge

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  • Materials (steel)
    E. J. Lavino and Company

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  • Materials (textiles)
    American Print Co. & Metacomet Mill

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  • Food Processing (mill)
    Stone Mill

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  • Transportation (highway)
    Newburyport Chain Suspension Bridge

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  • Food Processing (mill)
    Baker's Chocolate Mills

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  • Transportation (canal)
    Delaware and Hudson Canal

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  • Food Processing (mill)
    Burned Bynun Run Mill

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  • Food Processing (mill)
    Dan River Mills

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  • Materials (chemicals)

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  • Materials (chemicals)
    Procter&Gamble Cincinnati

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  • Materials (lumber forestry)
    Deschenel Planing Mill

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