Sheridan Photograph of Mesta blowing engine at the Sheridan, Pennsylvania E.J. Lavino… Sheridan Photograph of blast furnace at E.J. Lavino's Sheridan, Pennsylvania plant. Sheridan Photograph of E. J. Lavino blast furnace at Sheridan, Pennsylvania. Sheridan Photograph of blast furnaces at E.J. Lavino's Sheridan, Pennsylvania plant. Sheridan Photograph of skips for blast furnace charging platform. E.J. Lavino blast… Sheridan View of E.J. Lavino blast furnace at Sheridan, Pennsylvania. Railroad tracks… Sheridan Photograph of loading platform of blast furnace. E.J. Lavino blast furnace at… Sheridan Photograph of E.J. Lavino blast furnace at Sheridan, Pennsylvania. Sheridan Close-up view of Mesta blowing engine at the Sheridan, Pennsylvania E.J. Lavino… Lynchburg E.J. Lavino & Co. blast furnace at Lynchburg, Virginia. Original slibe… Sheridan Photograph of E.J. Lavino blast furnace site power house in Sheridan,… Sheridan Photograph of E.J. Lavino blast furnace showing an old masonry wall. Taken at… Lynchburg Photo of blast furnace bases at E.J. Lavino's plant in Lynchburg, Virginia… Lynchburg View of E.J. Lavino blast furnace at Lynchburg, Virginia. Image shows a tanker… Lynchburg Photograph of E.J. Lavino blast furnace at Lynchburg, Virginia. Tanker cars in… Lynchburg Photograph of E.J. Lavino blast furnace at Lynchburg, Virginia. Original slide… Lynchburg Overview of blast furnace. Railyard in foreground with numerous tanker cars.… Name E. J. Lavino and Company Industry Type Materials Industry steel Country united states State/County/Province Pennsylvania, Virginia City Sheridan Notes Little information found. Specialized in ferromanganese processing for high quality steels. Start Year 0 End Year 0 Company E.J. Lavino and Company Site Name E. J. Lavino and Company Collection Vogel Slide Collection Tags materials steel United States Pennsylvania Virginia Sheridan Add new comment Your name Subject Comment About text formats Restricted HTML Allowed HTML tags: <a href hreflang> <em> <strong> <cite> <blockquote cite> <code> <ul type> <ol start type> <li> <dl> <dt> <dd> <h2 id> <h3 id> <h4 id> <h5 id> <h6 id> Lines and paragraphs break automatically. Web page addresses and email addresses turn into links automatically. CAPTCHA Math question 5 + 4 = Solve this simple math problem and enter the result. E.g. for 1+3, enter 4. This question is for testing whether or not you are a human visitor and to prevent automated spam submissions.
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